Allied Dental Staff

Any dental staff member in South Dakota may become a member of the South Dakota Dental Association.

Any dental hygienist or advanced dental assistant licensed in South Dakota or any dental assistant or dental office employee who is employed in a dental office in South Dakota is eligible to become an Allied Member of the SDDA

Membership in the SDDA provides allied staff with a number of member benefits, including:

  • Free Annual Session Registration (you MUST be a member by March 1).
  • Reduced registration rates for all continuing education courses offered by the SDDA.
  • A statewide network of dental professionals who share common goals and concerns.
  • A subscription to Allied Staff News, a newsletter for allied staff in South Dakota.
  • Access to Bridge the Gap (on-line employment listings).
  • Free use of prevention and education resources and materials from the SDDA.
  • Reduced Disability Insurance rates for purchase by members.

If you have any questions about allied staff membership, please feel free to contact Tia Hertel at 605-224-9133.

CURRENT MEMBERS: To receive a copy of your SDDA Allied Staff Membership Renewal, email Tia Hertel or print a SDDA Allied Application and submit to our office.

NEW MEMBERS: Print and submit a SDDA Allied Staff Membership Application.
Annual dues for Allied Staff are $100.00.

Student Allied Membership:
Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting students are now able to become Allied Staff members also.

Print and submit a SDDA Allied Student Membership Application.
Annual dues for Student Allied Staff are $35.00.

SDDA Allied Membership